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Federal University of Technology, Minna
The Official Journal of the Federal University of Technology, Minna


Nigerian Journal of Technological Research (NJTR)

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It is a goal of the Federal University of Technology, Minna to work beyond the walls of its campus. One of the most effective ways of doing this is to offer our facilities to those who are pursuing knowledge, truth and understanding.

It is essential to recognise today social, charitable and personal contributions which have had a substantial and long-lasting impact on the well-being of what are commonly referred to as 'these islands'.

Sport is a unifying force - it brings together parishes, counties, provinces and the nation in support of a common cause and helps to boost national morale and raise the international profile of our country. It is therefore eminently appropriate that this university should recognise and honour those who epitomise the finest virtues of sport and who have contributed substantially to the enhancement of Ireland's sporting heritage.


The Federal University of Technology, Minna - honouring those who use their achievements to benefit the people of this city and region and show special appreciation to those who have contributed to the development of this great institution.

Demonstrating our respect for cultural achievements on the national and international stage.

There is no idea so uplifting as the idea of service to humanity.


We acknowledge the remarkable contribution of individual's to the betterment of the lives of those past, present, and to come.

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Nigerian Journal of Technological Research
Federal University of Technology, Minna
P.M.B. 65
Niger State, Nigeria.
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